Composition: from OK to WOW!
What is composition? Simply put, it is how the different elements you see in your viewfinder are arranged. And how do you create attractive composition in every photo you take? It's as easy as 1-2-3! All you need to know is the "Rule of Thirds."
Typically when we take pictures, our subject is placed dead center. I think this happens because that's where the focus point is in the camera viewfinder. People achieve focus and don't recompose. Or they don't shift their focus point in the viewfinder. Perhaps this is a totally new concept and you need me to elaborate.
When you look through the viewfinder of your camera, you look with a rectangular frame. Now imagine dividing that rectangle into thirds (vertically). As you're framing the shot, place your subject in the first two-thirds (A) or last one-third (B) of the frame. You can also do the reverse.
When you arrange your subject in this manner, you now have a more interesting and pleasing photograph. The Rule of Thirds applies to photos taken both horizontally and vertically.
It does take practice and a shift in how we look at things. In time, it will become second nature to frame your shots using the Rule of Thirds. Although it's referred to as a rule, I like to think of it as more of a guideline. It is certainly helpful when applied, but don't get stuck on it being exactly in thirds. Practice! Practice! Practice! Now go have fun taking pictures and just for fun, feel free to email me your pictures that illustrate your use of the Rule of Thirds.
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